Training Insights service opens a new way for sales professionals to communicate with training professionals in HR, focusing solely on training content. One of the most important features of this service is the possibility to evaluate future training needs with a focus on product specific skills. When you solve these needs in advance, there is no need to concentrate on these issues later.
This feature gives you the possibility to put the training content on top of the work agenda. The ability to plan all product specific training requirements up to18 months ahead, improves training management in many ways. The famous quote by former US President Dwight D Eisenhower, where he states that – planning is everything – has a lot of truth.
The scope of Training Insights covers all important elements of training information like personnel skills, their locations, product related courses, course schedules, time tables etc. Training Insights reports the values for adjustment parameters which are needed for keeping the skills of personnel at all locations up to agreed, constant standard levels. The system gives forecasts even 18 months in advance.
The possibility to receive this valuable information easily on daily bases, frees time for HR- and training professionals to concentrate on matters related to detailed learning content issues and for providing selected training courses leading to best possible financial and other results. Further it gives answers like: ”Are the most important stores, outlets and sales channels provisioned with optimally qualified persons in the coming months and years for meeting financial targets? Are those people always trained with effective a up-to-date content. If there are additional reasons to modify training course content, like: new product launches coming, modified versions of products or services needed because of competitive issues, increased sales targets on specified markets, the effects of training on KPI:s can be forecasted for each separate case of change. When businesses face discontinuities, the effects of different training courses can be calculated with help of small focus groups.
Now sales and HR’s training professionals can cooperate with each other focusing solely on optimising the results for training courses by selecting best contents for different needs. Two separate, business critical questions need to be answered. The first question, what kind of content gives best training results, needs to be answered by HR professionals is followed by the simple managerial question: ”Which training content produces best increased sales results?”
Boudin Analytics Content Master gives answers to these crucial personnel skills related questions by using advanced analytics bridging the gap between training issues and sales results. Planning is everything, also in learning content design – especially effective preplanning.
Written by Antti Kurki, Sales, Boudin Oy