Boudin Analytics Content Master is a tool for communicating the efficiency of training materials with different content producers in a new way. The basic idea is to find out the financial bottom line effect of training. Content Master gives as outcome, how well company personnel will learn as result of a specific training course content. The result for the affectivity of learning is given in the form of an estimate for a potential increase in product- or service sales. After analysing training results, you get an estimate about the probability of a sales increase.
The training of personnel by using a specific course content can be described to lead to have an effect to increase sales by 5% with 85% probability. By testing the different offerings of several content providers for the same training course, the course offerings can be ranked by their effectivity. These results can be used as normal KPIs for the quality of training courses. The differences of learning results between courses of content providers can now be measured with an objective scale.
The application has an intuitive, efficient and user-friendly user interface for relaxed use. In order to analyse the quality of training courses, you need to test it with just a small a number of persons in order to get the results for quality ranking. The size of the test population is fixed and you get reliable results regardless of the distribution of the test scores. Previously the only result of a small test was a message telling you that the sample is too small for reliable test results. Then you were forced to increase the size of the test population, but it did not guarantee a usable result.
Content Master gives you for the first time the unique opportunity to create reliable connections between the individual employee’s test scores and the financial impact of the new course on the financials of the company. This is a major game changer for HR. When using this service for testing the quality of learning materials you get usable and reliable results over sales forecasts as soon as test group scores are available.
There is no need to wait for sales data from the markets, which was the practice previously and this normally took up to several months to collect. Now your training department has the results immediately available, when using analytics routinely as the tool for connecting the dots of individual test scores and their final impact on product or service sales.
You now have a common language for discussing course quality issues with your content producers. You have the possibility to test the impact of different versions of content in advance to determine, which of the alternatives could lead to potentially best possible estimated sales increase.

Using content which is uniquely pre-tested for its effects on your sales numbers, along with your established quality control methods for your training materials, is vitally important and an essential help when new products or services are launched in several markets. It is helpful to start this process with a rapid testing of various versions in one country, followed by fine tuning of the content for optimal results. This hopefully leads in the end to successful product launches in the various markets with rapid results.
Boudin Analytics uses advanced algorithms for estimating the performance of training course materials in generating increased sales. In principle, it compares the results for courses to be evaluated with existing, previous learning results of older courses, where the learning results and their effect in turning learning scores into sales and revenue are known.
The application takes also into account the differences between individual companies analysing the effects of their personnel’s qualifications, impacts of the individual products or services on sales volumes. The system takes into account differences between individual learning methods and the impact of the company culture on motivating the personnel to learn and on supporting individual employees to perform.
Extensive use Boudin Analytics improves the accuracy of results, because the algorithms of the solution learn from the existing results. This makes benchmarking possible, easy and opens a new angle for evaluating the importance of skills of the personnel and how sales results can be improved by selective training of the workforce. The HR gets an effective learning analytics tool for their managers to use in making procurement decisions between alternative content providers.
Now you have a mutually understandable, functional language for corporations and their content producers. Content Master is an insurance for companies which guarantees that they are able to purchase better courses. Content producers can be confident, that their courses are according to the specifications of the customers and this helps them to make the contents with better efficiency. This inevitably leads to better economics with better products and better learning results. Content providers, who can show a proven track record of efficient courses can gain competitive advantages.Let’s make valid and reliable pretesting of course contents possible and get your personnel trained with it for achieving visible financial results.
Written by Antti Kurki, Sales, Boudin Oy